Friday, June 18, 2010

Don't Be Invisible!

Hacker News is a great source of information, and today they posted a great article about not being invisible.

The core message of the article is to not just do your job. If you put your head down and do your assigned job, don't expect raises. Don't expect to not be laid off. Expect to be dispensable and keep your resume up to day.

From the article:

Azzarello’s career advice for employees is to make sure the work that you do is aligned with the company’s goals, bring your accomplishments to the attention of your superiors, and create a network of mentors who will guide you and ensure that you win a spot on the company’s list of employees who are the leaders of tomorrow. Her advice is tersely described as: Do better, look better, and connect better.

This is great article and I'd suggest you take a few minutes to check it out.

Are You Invisible?

If you'd like a few tips on how to avoid being invisible, check out Career 2.0, now on sale at $15 a copy.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Five Things You Can Do to Boost Your Career

The economy is starting to recover in spots. Are you ready for it? How well positioned are you to take advantadge of the recovery?

When things begin looking good again, will you be in survival mode, treading water until your strength gives out? Or will you have positioned yourself well enough that you maximize your return?

Here are five things you can do today to position yourself as an 'overnight success' in the next year or two.

  1. Join your local user group. Whether you're into Java, .Net, Ruby, or Agile, there's probably a great group in your neighborhood already. is a great place to start looking for one.

  2. Join a few national mailing lists. Both Yahoo Groups and Google Groups house thousands of mailings on topics from Agile to lean to test automation and more.

  3. Attend local miniconferences. Here in RTP we've just had a TED conference, an Agile Coach Camp, a few other evening events, and more. We've got Citcon (CI and test automation) coming, as well as a one day Intro to Agile mini-conference. And those are just the ones of the top of my head! What's going on in your area? Contact your MS evangilist, or tool vendor of choice and ask them when they're coming to town.

  4. Speak up! Be active in your local user group's mailing, or your national list. Ask a few softball questions. Ask for help. Answer someone else's questions. But don't sit on the sidelines. Lurking is fine until you learn the group, but get in the game.

  5. Pick your favorite tool and write a How To article. Then post it on your blog. (Don't have a blog? Then visit and you'll have one in five minutes!) There are lots of people who want to learn how to use tool X or technique N. Write it up and post it.

At the end of the day, and of every day, you've got to decide if you've got a job or a career. If it's "just a job", then by all means, just survive and try to make it through to the next paycheck. But if it's something you want to truly succeed at, don't hide! Get out and reposition yourself!

Blatant commercial plug You can find even more tips on tuning up your career in Career 2.0: Take Control of Your Life.

You can also check out Land the Tech Job You Love by Andy Lester and The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development by Chad Fowler.

The information is out there. Will you use it?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Scaffolding Your Goals for Success

Here's a great post from the always useful Lifehacker site. The article offers up tips for actually reaching those goals we keep setting for ourselves. I like the scaffolding concept a lot.

Scaffold Your New Year's Resolutions for Lasting Change

What's worked for you? How do you improve your goal's chances for success?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Brilliant Blog Posting on Your Long Term Career Direction

Marshal Brain is a local entrepreneur who's sold a lot of books, has his own TV show, and generally considered a very smart guy. He spoke at Duke on how to make a million dollars.

Do you track this blog? Then read this article.

How to Make a Million Dollars

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tips For Staying Motivated and On Course

This post has a list of techniques you can use to keep yourself on track. There's a bit of overlap with the ideas we present in the Career 2.0 book, but it's well worth reading.

33 Ways to Get and Keep Yourself Motivated

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Get a College Refresher on a Budget!

This article on Hacker News is right up the Career 2.0 alley! It's an online service that lets you learn as much, or as little, as you want for a flat rate.

This is perfect the unemployed or the underemployed who want to polish their skills and line themselves up for the job they want. In fact, the first example in the article is someone who did just that.

Here's the article College for $99 a Month

The actual website for the courses is Straighter Line

And of course, a hat tip to Hacker News, a great source of information on a variety of subjects.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Career 2.0 talk in Boston Tonight

I'll be speaking at the New England Java User's Group tonight. It's quite an honor to speak for this group... they're in their 10th year as a user's group!

If you're in the area, please come out. Here's the link.

Friday, I'll be in Charlotte at Agilepalooza. It's an open space event, but I might try to reprise the material there as well!